I was recently tagged by the lovely Claire at Life Through the Slim Lens to reveal what is in my bag. As a busy mum of two boys I'm afraid there isn't very much exciting in there. My everyday bag is a plain Cellini handbag which I have had for a few years and I unfortunately don't have a romantic tale of how hubby whisked me off to Florence to buy it (lucky you Claire). Mine just came from a local department store.
Anyway to the contents - it doubles as a nappy bag on my home days and a work bag on the couple of days each week I try to maintain my career.
You caught me on a mummy day so there is the change mat, nappies and wipes, toddler snacks, sunscreen and water bottles what acompany us just about every where - On work days these are replaced by my work pass, keys and lunchbox.
And pretty much all the time I have my wallet, phone, camera, diary (I know but I'm an old fashioned girl), a couple of pens, hairbrush, lippy and chap stick. Not much room left for any very girly stuff these days!I do have a selection of nappy bags including a nice OiOi bag which was a favorite when Junior was a bub, but once I went back to work part-time it found it's way into the cupboard with the others.
So I now pass this on to;
Zooarcheologist at Being a Mummy (I almost included Dadda Cool as well but though he might not appreciate it),
Cartside at Mummy do that (who has just had some great news), and
Kat at Slugs on the Refridgerator (if she actually has the time to blog at the moment between being a mum to a gorgeous little boy and having a baby!).
2 years ago
LOL! Would love to say the idea was his alone but his work colleague told him to do it!!
ReplyDeleteEventually, I will do this- promise!