I have been following the blog "Childhood 101" for a while now and this week it is launching Come Play Together at Childhood 101 to share play ideas. Christie has asked her readers to blog about "a play space or play experience you have enjoyed at home, preschool, child care or kindy".
My boys spend a lot of time playing in their cubby house, sand pit and our local park but probably our favourite places for an outing are the playgrounds and open spaces along the Swan River.
Most weekends we visit the river to picnic, play in the many playgrounds, walk our dog, ride our bikes, climb and hide among the trees, or "fish" for jelly fish or seaweed.
Some of our favourite spots are Nedlands foreshore, Mrs Herbert's Park (next to the Museum) in Claremont, and Keane's Point in Peppermint Grove - but there are fantastic spots all along the river.
A great website for finding nice outdoor play spaces in Perth is A Coffee in the Park which lists some fantastic playgrounds in and around Perth. What are some of your favorite outdoor play spaces? “Come over and play at the Childhood 101 We Play link up” and share your ideas
2 years ago