As I mentioned in my previous post I have been hunting for travel activities for Junior and I have come across a few good blogs including Unplug Your Kids and Vanilla Joy, who is writing a whole series of travel activity ideas.
I have been putting together a little travel activity bag for Junior which includes colouring books, crayons, pencils, activity books, stamps, stickers and paper, scissors, a hole punch, glue, jigsaw puzzles and a magnetic activity board. I will also add some play doh, a new Thomas train and toy car.
Last night I also made some lacing cards and added them to the activity bag which will hang off the back of the car seat so Junior can do lots of puzzles and craft on the move.
Hubby has also set up the laptop with an in-car power supply so we will have plenty of DVDs and talking books to get us through. Wish me luck and I will let you know which activities were the most successful at entertaining a three year old when we return.
2 years ago